We’ve Got Your Back
At Accident Chiropractic Plus, we are a team of chiropractic professionals here to help you every step of the way through identifying your medical needs, communicating with your insurance company, and developing a specific case plan that will allow maximum recovery in the least amount of time.
We know your rights and are here to help you.
You Can Expect:
Same day appointments
A free & thorough consultation
Paperwork filled out for you
No out of pocket expenses in most cases
No health insurance required
Affordable cash plans
We bill the “at fault party”
Attorney referrals available
Medical referrals if needed
About Accident ChiroPlus
When you are in an auto accident, you want to go to a highly qualified chiropractor for treatment. At Accident Chiropractic Plus we are dedicated to putting our patients first. We are here to serve accident related injuries in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metro area. Our staff has twenty years of experience helping our patients in all phases of their care. We will do everything possible to eliminate your stress and pain. Our staff will even take care of most of the paperwork for you, so you can concentrate on what is most important, becoming pain free and living your best life possible.
“At Accident Chiropractic Plus it’s not just care..Its caring.”
Meet Dr. Joel Polacek
Raised in Wahoo, Nebraska, he attended Wahoo Bishop Neuman High School and obtained his undergraduate degree at UNL in Nutrition and Exercise Science. Dr. Polacek is a 2013 graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City, Missouri and has been successfully treating accident related injuries since he began practicing. He is dedicated to giving exceptional care to his patients and furthering his education in all aspects of the treatment of musculoskeletal/whiplash type accident injury conditions.
Dr. Polacek has developed close relationships with the medical and legal community so he can offer the best possible treatment and allow the patient the recovery they need and deserve.
Outside of work Dr Joel loves being outside. He loves to camp, hike and being active. All of this is with the most important part of his life: his family. Laura, his wife and their two sons Jackson and Hudson.